Thursday, April 30, 2009

Explaining Some Parts of My Previous Post

What I was trying to get at, whether I accomplished it or not, was that Heston was not making a racist statement. It is a fact that the majority of crime and gun related death happens in urban environments

*Central cities, particularly those with populations between 250,000 and 499,999, have the highest per capita rates of violent crime.

To pick a case city, Detroit, which is also shown in the film, these are the demographics-

Detroit is the most violent city in America according to Forbes. yielded these statistics:

81.6% Minority
26.1% Below Poverty Line

These are facts from well respected web sources.

Heston was forced to back off his statement to be politically correct. He is a celebrity where I am not, thus I can be blunt and finish what he was getting at.

Now another point brought up was that there will be poverty no matter what ethnicity a person is, well that is not the exact chemical formula for crime. This is what I believe to be the ingredients.

Poverty+HIGH DENSITY=crime, now there are more specialized forms such as (Poverty+Density)X racial tensions=crime^2. By racial tensions, I referring to large gang areas such as Los Angeles ect. Some of the poorest people in America live in backwoods Alabama and the Ozarks, they are the poorest of the poor, but the fact is, they do not live in a dense enough population to create crime, lets go back to the equation. Poverty+density=crime, if you take density out of the equation, it changes to this, Poverty+low density=uneducated, unhealthy, and overall terrible living conditions, worse than that of the inner city. So we can clearly see that crime is created by 2 factors not having anything directly related to minorities (poverty and high density), where minorities do play in, is that they are the most likely to be in such a scenario, so as Ive said, I do not blame minorities, I blame the equation, and I believe Heston was going to get at the same thing.

My defense of Heston is only to show he was probably not going to say something blatantly racist, but what he was getting at is poverty itself, and statistics show that minorities make up the majority of inner city populations and due to the close quarters with high density population under the poverty line, this leads to violent crime as is shown in Detroit

It is a sad fact that minorities are more likely to live in poverty, and is hopefully something that America can progress on, and fix. Since slavery was ended, the quality of life for minorities has steadily increased and hopefully will continue to show this trend.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bowling For Colum-Whine

Heightened gun control, while it may not be his argument in the movie, will not stop America's "gun murder" problem. The fact that almost anyone can get a gun only makes the world safer, but to be precise, I don't mean necessarily the entire world, I mean your world. The fact of the matter is, even if the most strict gun laws were put into practice, criminals insane enough to murder scores of people will still be able to access a gun and commit their crime, end of story. It is the same way with any illicit drug law currently in effect, all it stops is the casual user, anyone who really wants to get high, can and will find someone selling. Moore may be making his case that the world is sick with fear, and violent by its very nature, but him pointing this out will not stop a single madman from going out in his blaze of gunfire. No gun law was going to stop columbine. The only conceivable way these 2 kids could have been stopped was by an armed guard in the school.
Let me further explain this as I don't want any misunderstanding. I do not think every person on earth is by nature violent, and I don't think we should sleep with a gun under our pillow, but the sad truth that Michael Moore shows is that perhaps we would be more safe with one. Now that may seem like a contradictory statement, but hear me out. Moore shows us several clips of madmen ("some people are just LOONIES o.O guy"), and also uses columbine, and a 6 year old shooting a classmate. Clearly, all of these people should not have had access to firearms, but the fact is THAT THEY DID. There is NO WAY, to stop someone who wants to get a gun and kill people from killing people, unless you personally have the means to protect yourself, and the others around you, and what is the best way to do that? A gun. That is right, here in this land of oppurtunity and weath and individuality, in the end you must rely on yourself for protection, and in the end, one more gun in the hand of a sane individual rather than 2 insane kids or WHACKO'S 0.o guy, is a good gun in my book.


Call them biased, sure, but so is everything else for one side or another.

Also I would like to discuss Charlton Heston's point that there is more violence because there are more minorities, that is not how I would word it, but lets just assume for a second that we are not all politically correct sticklers. Here is what Im going to do for you, I'm going to be blunt. More minorities-more poverty-more poverty-more crime, so yes in a transitive way, Heston made a point. Please do not think I am a racist, or anything close to that, because I am not. You and I both know that unfortunately, the more minorities, the more poverty there is, that is an unquestionable statistic, and also another statistic is, the more poverty, the more crime. Where the number of those who do commit crimes are vastly smaller than those who do, that number is still large enough to account for some of America's "massive" 11,000 gun deaths per year. I do not blame minorities, I blame poverty.

In short, I would say Michael Moore needs to quit whining about how the world is, and buck up like the rest of us. Its a hard knock life, it has been that way in the past, and will continue to be that way in the future.

Finally I will state this point. Should this magnificent country of ours be invaded by hostile forces, they will have to march through our country, where there are 70 million or more firearms in the hands of citizens, I don't know what you think, but I say good luck Charlie, this is the land of the free, and the home of the *BANG*

Monday, April 27, 2009

Proof Of My Humanity

My bedisde manner, in person, and especially here on my blog, may come off to others as one of a jerk. For the record, I fully admit that I am an arguementative person, and not always very nice. As you can tell, virtually every one of my blogs are arguements for one side or another, and in most of my conversations above the, what are you doin, level, are discussions where there are 2 differing opinions. Because the majority of my interactions with my friends (who I care for very deeply, and take Thomas Jeffersons stance of political or religious arguements not being a just cause to terminate friendship.), are arguements or discussions, my overall demeanor has morphed by necesity to resemble that of a brick wall. I dont usually show emotion, and when people discuss things with me, by nature, I am ruthless, and at some points down right mean or insulting. For this, I cannot blame entirely on force of habit, rather I blame it on my flaws as a human being. It is something I must work on as a person to be a better friend.

So, in a small exercise, I will release a few things few people know about me that prove I am not a complete bastard.

I love stars. I ly in my backyard sometimes on nice nights and just stare at them in awe. I could write novels on why I love them so much. They are absolutely beautiful in every way, and I certainly dont use the word beautiful often, so it means something. Stars are awesome.

(Orion, yo)

I love music, I listen to all different kinds. Even if heavy metal music is what i listen to the most, I actually like soft rock the most, its very sweet and calming, and represents audial beauty to me.

I love to read, and not just stupid sci fi books, I also read drama books, and yes some of those have been love storys, I dont often tell people because its slightly embarassing, well now you know.

I love my friends, Yes, the people I argue with, I would do anything for any of them without thinking about it for even a second. I would give 1 of my lungs or kidneys to any of them.

Finally, I love nature, specifically flowers...*Head goes down in shame*, yes: orchids, hybiscus, rose, it doesnt matter. I find all of them absolutely beautiful, again, it may seem like I throw this word around, but I dont, flowers rock house. If I could have my own garden filled with flowers, I would do it in a heartbeat, but I fear my brother would kill me.

So there you have it, 5 very personal things about me that prove im not a total jerk, I do have love in my heart for a small number of great beautiful things.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Audial Exploration

The prongs slide into the outlet causing power to surge into the amplifier. The dial labeled master volume is turned up to 9/10, an inadaquate display of the massive potential energy resting in your hands. You slide the pick over the low string which vibrates violently, what is a C to a technical musician means only one word to you, thrash. You begin to chug on the string, rebeginning the vibration anew at over 10 times a second, the thin strip of metal seems to flutter like a hummingbirds wing in your hands. You move a few strings up, hitting the higher frets, what was a painful symphony of power now seems to transform into a sonnet. Your hands transforming every sound of the poem at your will, like a puppet master commanding a beautiful ballerina. She dances proudly, seeming to move the air around her like paper thin leaves flowing in the autumn breeze. Your hand moves again to the low string, once more causing the agonizing roar of a charging elephant, all sense of the ballerina is gone, but the memory has not faded, she is waiting to dance again, at the beckoned call of her master.

As you may tell from my description, I find music's aesthetic property's very appealing and thought provoking. Oftens times I find myself not playing any particular song, but simply moving from key to key to warp the music into more than what it is. What were mere audio waves change into emotions, and emotions into poetry in your mind and in the air around you. You do not need to know how to play an instruement well to experience the great depth of music, all you need are your hands, and an open mind.

Anti-Gay Marriage A-HOLES

Last night I was having dinner with my best friend and my brother when the topic of gay marriage came up. I, being a libertarian and advocate of freedom for all people, argued on the side of gay marriage, and my brother and friend were on the opposite side. Because we love humor here on the Paintball Corner, im gunna just mention a few of the arguements these bigots came up with. Get ready to laugh.

1. "I have the same rights as gay people do, because I cannot marry a man either"
2. "If 2 gay people get married, they have a much higher possibility to adopt a child, and raise it in a bad home causeing their social akwardness."
3. "It would corrupt society as we know it, and destroy the moral groundwork of the nation"
4. "If we let 2 men get married, next thing we know, people will be marrying their horses"
5. "If we allow gay marriage, how can we continue to pursecute arabs who cannot be polygamists in this country, and also mormons."

Ok, now that your good laugh is over, its time for me to reinact my destruction of their points.

1. Yes you cannot marry a man either collin, but you can marry a woman whereas a woman cannot.

2. Plenty of man-woman households end up destroying their childrens lives, therefore any arguement saying a gays household would be worse is absolutely ludacris, and would be roughly the same percentage of man-woman households.

3. How can allowing more freedom to individuals make our country morally bankrupt, its not your lifestyle, you dont have to have a gay marriage, you enjoy your freedom, why cant they? Our country began on the cornerstone of liberty, therefore more liberty would only make this society better.

4. This point is absolutely disgusting and is made by almost everyone who is anti-gay marriage, and i wouldnt respond normally to idiocy but i will so you know what to say if anyone ever says it to you. Its legal for people to get a marriage lisence, not animals. end of story.

5. 1 marriage, 1 lisence, this isnt pursecution, this is the law for heterosexuals, and it skips over gays. Sorry, goes right along with the point in #4.

Yes this argument was real, and yes, they were forced to run home crying. It isnt real fair taht i was given such an easy arguement, because everyone knows that there is NO intellectual arguement supporting anti-gay marriage. Thank god they didnt say "The bible says...." or i would have had to kill them hahaha.

Blog War Baby Yeah!

I declare a full fledged blog war between The Paintball Corner, and The Sandbox.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Braveheart Glorification (In response to the horrendous words of "the sandbox")

I love lists, dont you? Well either way, here at the paintball corner, we like to cite our points in lists, so here we go, the top 10 reasons why Braveheart is better than "the sandbox's" favorite movie, the Godfather.

1. Mel Gibson is God, God plays in Braveheart, the movie is therefore holy.

2. Swords are way cooler than guns. Id rather see some bad guys head get lopped off by a 7 foot claymore sword than see Sunny get lit up by thompsons, swords are just awesome.

3. Babes-yes, ill play this card for both male and female viewers, 2 uber hot girls were in this movie (they arent blonde...but we can overlook that) and yes their fine bodys were visible on numerous occasions, and for the women, you get to see rugged scots and their dongs and asses, not to mention Mel Gibson is scandily clad throught the movie (kilts). WHEREAS---the Godfather is chock full of the ugliest, nastiest fucks ever, 0 hot potential.

4. Action-Braveheart was full of it; people getting decapitated, tortured, arms and legs lopped off, arrows flying into peoples chests, horses getting ran through by spears, and finally, the entire movie is scattered with massive battle scenes with hundreds if not thousands of extras hacking away at eachother. ITS GOT THE WHOLE PACKAGE. The only action the Godfather has, is people being shot in the back of the head, strangled, and ambushed---LAME.

5. Honor--Braveheart has it, people all have a chance when they are killed in battle, they have the opurtunity to save their lives and kill their enemies, whereas in the Godfather, there is no fighting, there is just ambushing without honor by greasy men with pistols.

6. Underlying Theme- Braveheart's underlying theme is FREEDOM, thats something we love here at the paintball corner, damn straight, liberty and freedom are reasons to fight, WHEREAS---the Godfathers main theme is CRIME and crime family, and one could also argue respect, im sorry, but freedom>thuggery.

7. The most badass death in movie history goes to WILLIAM WALLACE--his entrails were cut out, extremeties broken, genitals hacked off, and was finally beheaded, but before the ax fell, he screams in an extremely loud voice through his apparent agony beyond belief....FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!11!!!!111. WHEREAS-the only real badass death in the Godfather was Sunny, who was merely gunned down by around 1000 bullets, which was only humerous to me.

8. Inspiration--the speeches in Braveheart were amazing, after I heard those I was inspired to do anything. Wallaces death also gives great inspiration, which historically it did, to thousands of scots who really did get their freedom, WHEREAS the Godfather merely inspired teenage men to be infaturated with crime and the gangster lifestyle...*COUGH* the sandbox *COUGH*

9. Historical Value---okay, not all the battles were fought that way, but there was a william wallace, who won the battle of stirling bridge against his tyranical overloads, the english, he really did rebel, the scots really did follow him, and he really was tortured and killed, his arms being sent to every corner of england and his head put on a pike in london, and the scots did win at bannockburn with robert the bruce against the english and did get their freedom, WHEREAS---the Godfather is NOT based on a true inspirational story, it is a fictional story about a non inspirational, thug family.

10. FINALLY, it is better because I say its out of ideas, but I believe ive cited enough reasons for its superiority.

I challenge the sandbox to a rebuttle, please, humor me.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Brief Word Concerning My Political Position

I have blogged about politics and news a great deal here, and I dont want anyone to get the wrong idea about my general philisophy. I believe Ive trashed on both liberal and conservative points in a number of blogs and I have recently posted a hate-piece on Bill-O, which puts the odds of me being a republican at astronomical numbers. See, I fit into the nook of Libertarianism, which in general outlines the following principals, what ill call, the 7 commandments of Libertarianism.

1. Very literal and strict view of the constitution, IE. what is there, you follow.
2. Personal liberties are of the highest priority (which is usually why people peg me for a progressive democrat), the liberties should be universal for everyone in the United States, especially pointing to the issue of gay marriage.
3. Abortion should be considered a personal liberty for women (I agree with this statement, but I definately do not condone government sponsored abortion clinics nor do I agree morally on an abortion but it is a liberty women should have.)
4. No meddling in otherworldly affairs IE. we should not be the policemen of the world (I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, we should bring every troop home from every country in the world, and we have them literally everywhere, this would allow us to better defend our homeland and protect our borders.)
5. No pre-emptive wars, (the entire idea of preemptive war is shady, especially when we are spoon fed horrendous intelligence).
6. The federal bank should be abolished, we as a country have not been out of debt since the Andrew Jackson presidency 200 years ago, only because Jackson destroyed the federal bank, and the moment his presidency ended, it was rebuilt and we went straight back to debt and inflation.
7. Less programs, Our government is chock full of useless programs, useless people and useless ideas, we audit every program to see exactly what its accomplishing, reduce-add-or nullify according to the information, and thus reduce taxes on the people.

I realize that publically blogging on my personal political stance may come off as self centered and unneeded, (at least it gives me a chance to spread the ideology of libertarianism!) but my political stance basically makes me a moderate, so I tell in order to show my lack of bias towards republicans and democrats. In general, my stance makes me chose between the lesser of 2 evils when it comes to election times, the republican values generally suit the libertarian need more, however, the republican party of today makes me physically ill, and I would not support them to save my life, and todays democratic party, where their intentions are good, I doubt their ability to accomplish their massive agenda. 

Thursday, April 16, 2009

History Is Written By Those Who Hang Heros

I was watching my favorite movie, Braveheart, the other day when I hear this quote from the movie. As a kid, watching the movie and hearing it really made no impression on me, but this go around, it really got me thinking. What if here in America, we were beaten by the British, and our history was written by those who conquered us. We wouldnt hear tales of the vallient heros and founders of our great country, instead we would read a mere snippet in a British textbook about some man named Patrick Henry, who inspired a rebellion, was crushed, tried for treason in a British court, and hung at the fine London Gallows. Thankfully, we Americans won our revolution and we remember Patrick Henry for his incredible quote, "Give me liberty, or give me death!". In the same parallel story, we have the Native Americans who were crushed by our hand. What if they would have destroyed us in the begginning? Their historys would read of the founders of Jamestown as nothing but hairy beasts who walked around in clanky armor firing their boom sticks. So you see, history really is written by those who conquer. Think about how many viewpoints have been lost at the tip of the sword, and the end of the beyonet. 

Why I Blog

Thoughts swirl around my head much like vortex, and every so often they are intelligent enough to garner more intensive thought, and everyone knows, writing is a portal to the mind. As you can plainly see from my previous blog posts, I never blog about the same thing. My posts are a direct bridge in to what exactly is going on in my brain at the time of the post. These posts are almost theraputic in a way, as they find resolution for the strains of thought in my mind, they conquer the thought to paper barrier.

A Poem For A Change

What is wrong with the world today
Leaders fail, and the people have to pay
Soldiers march in schorched desert sand
Because Uncle Sam Waived his hand

We are told who to hate, who to despise
Losing our freedoms and living on lies
Shovels high, digging our graves
It doesnt take chains to be slaves

People say its how the earth turns
Looking away as the world burns
So we lower our heads and accept our fate
That we are the pawns, check mate

So those of us who see, who believe
We can make a difference, while we still breath
Its either fall in or stand strong

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Word On Bill-O

First and foremost, I will state that Bill-O's hailed top prime-time news ratings are the cause of simple transitive property. Most people on Earth are assholes, most people watch Bill-O, therefore, most of the people who watch Bill-O are assholes. Sure, your ratings are through the roof, but if you met half of the people who watch your show, you would realize that there are a whole hell of a lot of right wing loons. Take for example yourself Bill. You know what, ill break paragraph and my point to describe exactly why I loath you.

Your face reminds me of an old catchers mitt
Your ears sag and droop like the breasts of a 90 year old stripper
Your nose is that of a mythomanic witch made by gepetto
Your eyes are merely portals into the empty abysmal chasm you call a soul
Your mouth is like a landfill, it is filled with junk and decaying filth that you spew at any occasion. When your math is moving, you are merely spewing filth, causing everything around you to rot and to stink. You are nothing but a steaming pile of dung, and your followers are the dung beetle, who feed of your feces in order to survive.

Where was I. Right wing loons. Let me tell you something about right wing loons. They are the ones who stop liberty from spreading every time a gay marriage ban is upheld. Give me one intelligent reason why homosexual people should have the liberty of marriage. YOUR RIGHT WING LOONS all follow an ancient moronic cult called CHRISTIANITY. They are so insane and LOONY that they will force others lives to follow their "god's divine will" and thus not let them be married. So, why dont you take your classic rhetoric about left wing loon websites being full of crazies, because where there are only a few websites of this catagory, I can show you MILLIONS of churches around the world with equally LOONY people, you blubbering vagina.

Also we have you constantly ambushing people on the street in the very next segment, basing photographers doing the same thing to Miley Cyrus. Thanks to the Daily Show, we have all be shown this direct hypocrisy. 

SO I have decided to make my own pinheads and patriots segment right here on my blog. My Pinhead today is................BILL O REILLY.

He is a pile of filth, posing as a newsman, and brainwashing millions of assholes to think like you, and finally for sucking the soul out of life, you are......a PINHEAD. And if you wish to reply, dont be FURTIVE.

Oh and if you want to buy a "Bill, Go To Hell" t-shirt, just email me, ill find a way to make you one. OR if you want a copy of my book, "Bill Oreilly: An bold fresh piece of SHIT"

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Since I can remember I have had an extremely peculiar mind. At the tender age of 8, at any given point I could tell you how many there was of anything around me. I counted everything...and I mean everything. Steps to the drinking fountain, number of cars in a parking lot, and tiles on the floor. 10 was the most beautiful thing on earth, everything about it was perfect. I counted it in my head. 1, 2, 3....10. I repeated this process hundreds of thousands of times over the course of my late elementary school life. I wasnt a social freak or anything mind you, I didnt sit around in my bedroom humming lullabys while contemplating my next flaying, I was just a normal kid.

Logic has always been my standout motive in every action, I have never said anything, done anything random, Its always premeditated and always thought over.

People that do strange things, from my point of view, have always bothered me the most. Its the things they say and the things they do that really prove the point "its the little things that bother you the most." I recall a time in my freshman year when a person sneezed on me in the hallway, this wasnt a girly little, ohhh excuse me sneeze. This was the atom bomb of mucus expullsion, and I was hiroshima. But at this time of my life, i was a disinfectant artist, and i was about to paint my masterpiece. I ran to the bathroom and began to to srub my face with a papertowel and about 50 squirts of soap.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Breaking Bad Series Breaks TV Drama's Bad Streak

Television dramas have never been as terrible as they are today. There are dozens of half baked shows out there with hollow plots and empty dialogue and this will never change. But somewhere, somehow, one drama series has found a way to shine through the smog and pollution of mindless charactor plots; that show is Breaking Bad.

AMC's Breaking Bad stars Bryan Cranston as Walter White, an obscenely overqualified high school chemestry teacher who is recently diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. After going through his finances, he is overwhelmed with the thought of leaving his family in debt, and thus decides to put his profession to use cooking methemphetamine with an old high school student/slacker Jessie Pinkman (Aaron Paul), who is a classic drug influenced drop out. They band together in a delapitated RV and Walter finds his true calling cooking the purest meth Jessie, and for that matter, anyone has ever seen. This sets the stage for the most epic character drama ever made.

I will now take the time to adaquately express Walters personality as I see it. He is a very logical person, above all else, he is a man of thought. He does not make mistakes, he does not miscalculate, and will not do something risky unless absolutely necessary. His character has never commited a crime in his life, and is not a violent person by nature, and thus is new to the entire drug/murder scene, hence the title of the series Breaking Bad, for that is exactly what Walter is doing.

In the first season, the big dilema for Walts character is whether or not to kill a drug dealer, crazy-8, who tried to kill him, or to simply let him go and hope for the best. Crazy-8 is locked to a pipe in Jessies basement and Walter is upstairs, pacing around, using his logical mind to calculate what he should do. He goes down stairs to feed C8 and breaks a plate on accident, after seeing a piece is missing, the cold water of reality pours on him as he realizes he has to murder him. This is the great turning point for Walt, the great moral dilema. He walks downstairs, and chokes C8 to death. A suburban man, who in 1 month has gone from average man, to a dying, meth cooking, murderer.

Hows that for a drama series. This black comedy is, hands down, the best show on TV.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Straight Edge Review

Past the deep concrete forest of Cedar Rapids, and through a maze of flood damaged buildings, lies a garage known as the Straight Edge. It is a haven for the local music scene to show up, plug in, and thrash out for a handful of hardcore metal fans. My friend, after years searching for a legitament band, finally found his metalcore calling with the local group "How Vivid The Memory". After only a week of practice they decided to play for the insane Straight Edge-goers. Against my better judgement, and will to survive I owed it to him to watch at least one show. I went into my closet, and chose the blackest clothing I could find and navigated my way through the stink hole of downtown to find the structure. After what seemed an eternity of rotting wood and paintballed stopsigns I finally found the alcove that hid the Straight Edge. Perhaps 10 cars were parked outside and I could see band members moving instruments and stacking boxes as I carefully made my way to the enterence. I looked into the garage and knew instantaniously that I would not leave without some kind of injury. The size of the Straight Edge was probably smaller than your garage at home. It was small, it was dank, and it was somehow kickass. It was like that hideout people always find in zombie movies, only music was our weapon. The first band romped onstage (the far corner of the small garage) and the 30 people packed like sardines began to cheer in unison. Noise ensued. Normally, what sound would have caused me to vomit, pumped me up. It was not a music-listener relationship, it was one of deisel fuel to a fire. Suddenly it became my life blood, my energy, instead of just audial noise. I jumped up in the air and shoved the people next to me in an endless mosh, and I didnt care about the pain in my ribs from the last engagement, it was only more fuel.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Frivolous Stimulus

The recent talks of where the money is going and how it will be wasted has been the cause of my growing !wrong! enduced headaches. The way our capitalist market system works is, company x loses money because customers would prefer to purchase better products than what company x makes. Lets imput this into the failing US auto industry.

Point #1. The US car companys blow in comparison to foreign automakers. This is because they make a less marketable product that doesnt last as long, and doesnt run as well. Due to this they push less product and lose more money. There are a number of thinks that could concievably happen to company x in their current predicament.

a. They go out of business
b. They get government aid
c. They make better more innovative products and win back their customer base.

Please forgive me for speaking in metaphore, but it just sounds better to me.

A boy opens up a lemonaid stand in his front yard and tends to it for a number of days with great success, he is the only one really making and selling this lemonaid and profits are booming. Then, after about a week or 2 of great profits, the asian boy next door starts his own stand. Now the difference between the stands is simple. The boys lemoniad is barely satisfying, only keeping its good taste for a while, whereas the asian boys lemonaid lasts for a very long time, keeping its sweet taste for hours. Everything runs smoothly for a while, but adventually the customors in the lemonaid market realize that asian boys is a lot better. So they naturally purchase the better product, putting the boy out of business. He has 2 choices. He can learn to make a better batch of lemonaid or he can just ask mom and dad for money. It would seem he would want to make better lemonaid unsuring years of profit instead of just a lump sum of cash to keep him in business making the same crap and still selling less than asian boy.

So my message to automakers and the government, is leave eachother alone the way youre supposed to. If the automakers want to stay in business, they will innovate and make some damn energy efficient cars, which will bring back the market. So get back to work you lazy idiots, and stop begging mom and dad for money.

And to the government, how bout taking all that money and burning it to give me some value back to my dollar.