Your face reminds me of an old catchers mitt
Your ears sag and droop like the breasts of a 90 year old stripper
Your nose is that of a mythomanic witch made by gepetto
Your eyes are merely portals into the empty abysmal chasm you call a soul
Your mouth is like a landfill, it is filled with junk and decaying filth that you spew at any occasion. When your math is moving, you are merely spewing filth, causing everything around you to rot and to stink. You are nothing but a steaming pile of dung, and your followers are the dung beetle, who feed of your feces in order to survive.
Where was I. Right wing loons. Let me tell you something about right wing loons. They are the ones who stop liberty from spreading every time a gay marriage ban is upheld. Give me one intelligent reason why homosexual people should have the liberty of marriage. YOUR RIGHT WING LOONS all follow an ancient moronic cult called CHRISTIANITY. They are so insane and LOONY that they will force others lives to follow their "god's divine will" and thus not let them be married. So, why dont you take your classic rhetoric about left wing loon websites being full of crazies, because where there are only a few websites of this catagory, I can show you MILLIONS of churches around the world with equally LOONY people, you blubbering vagina.
Also we have you constantly ambushing people on the street in the very next segment, basing photographers doing the same thing to Miley Cyrus. Thanks to the Daily Show, we have all be shown this direct hypocrisy.
SO I have decided to make my own pinheads and patriots segment right here on my blog. My Pinhead today is................BILL O REILLY.
He is a pile of filth, posing as a newsman, and brainwashing millions of assholes to think like you, and finally for sucking the soul out of life, you are......a PINHEAD. And if you wish to reply, dont be FURTIVE.
Oh and if you want to buy a "Bill, Go To Hell" t-shirt, just email me, ill find a way to make you one. OR if you want a copy of my book, "Bill Oreilly: An bold fresh piece of SHIT"
This is the most accurate description of Bill O that I have heard… The scary thing is that the guy on right after him is just as bad…. Good Ol’ Sean Hannity….
And on the ratings… I tune into his show every once in awhile just too see what kind of new stupid, completely irrelevant position he is taking on current happenings.
Ps. Good description on Christianity too
I would definitely write about Sean Hannity, but I fear the colorful language needed to express my feelings about him would be a little too inappropriate for a school blog, and that is saying something. I also watch a few shows a month just to make sure he didn't die, in which case I would find his grave and dance on it :)
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